二十一世紀是急速發展的新世代,學生將會面對新的社會、經濟和政治局面。伴隨而來的還有複雜多元的價值觀。凡此種種都對學生的個人成長、學習和未來就業,帶來新的機遇和挑戰。學校要為初中學生提供適切的課程內容,以配合其個人成長和未來發展的需要。因此,生活與社會課程綜合和更新了在上世紀九十年 代發展的經濟與公共事務科(經公科)及社會教育科,而它的設計是建基於小學常識科提供的學習經歷。
進入本世紀的第一個十年,香港無論在經濟、社會及政治層面都在迅速轉變:香港和內地(特別是泛珠江三角洲)更緊密的經濟融合、內地經濟迅速發展為香港帶來的機遇和挑戰、全球經濟相互依存的關係日益密切、更多元的本地社會,以及本港逐步推行行政長官及立法會普選。這一切令香港的下一代面對一個嶄新的社會、經濟和政治局面,亦帶來新的意識形態。課程發展議會曾在課程文件中提到:「現代社會轉變急劇,發展急速 ……」,以及「學生 …… 需同時對自己、本地社區、國家以至世界,都有深入的認識,才能成為自信、有見識及富責任感的人。」(課程發展議會(2002)《個人、社會及人文教育學習領域課程指引(小一至中三)》,香港:課程發展議會,頁 3。),所以在踏進下個十年之前,學校需確保學生了解這些發展趨勢,好能充分參與未來社會的發展。
The 21st century is a rapidly-developing era in which students face social, economic and political changes, which also bring diverse and complicated values. These have created opportunities and challenges on students’ personal development, learning and future careers. Schools have to provide an appropriate curriculum to cater for the needs of students on their personal growth and future development so Life and Society (S1-3) has been drawn up for this very purpose. It builds on students’ prior learning experience in General Studies at primary level, and is an integrated and updated version of Economic and Public Affairs (hereafter “EPA”) and Social Studies, which date back to the 1990s. With the advent of the first decade of the Millennium, Hong Kong has been experiencing rapid changes on the economic, social and political fronts. Facts such as greater economic integration with the mainland (particularly with the Pan-Pearl River Delta Region), opportunities and challenges brought about by rapid economic growth on the mainland, increasing global economic interdependence, greater social diversity and Hong Kong’s move towards universal suffrage for the selection of the Chief Executive and the Legislative Council will bring the next generation face to face with new social, economic and political landscapes as well as new ideologies. In a curriculum document prepared by the Curriculum Development Council the following statements were written: “…contemporary society has undergone significant changes and rapid development…” and “students…need to have an in-depth understanding of themselves, the local community, the nation and the world if they are to become confident, informed and responsible persons.”1 With the second decade just around the corner, schools must ensure that students become knowledgeable with these trends so that they can participate fully in the development of the society in the future.