Latest News
- 20/10/2023
Parent-Teacher Association Annual General Meeting
- 20/10/2023
2023-2024 Timetable for the first mock examination of Second...
- 20/10/2023
2024-2025 Timetable for the First UT examinations of Seconda...
- 10/07/2023
2023-24 Secondary 1 Knock-on Placement and Application Inst...
- 04/07/2023
2022-23 Secondary 5 Post-examination Make-up lessons Schedul...
- 04/07/2023
2022-23 Secondary 1 - 5 Post-examination Schedule
- 04/07/2023
2022-23 Secondary 1 - 5 Special class timetable
- 02/07/2023
“Community Bazaar” (Campus Market)
- 01/06/2023
S1-S5 Final Examination Timetable 2223
- 15/03/2023
2022-2023 S1-S5 Uniform Test Timetable